(Santiago, 1981)

Through his practice Cristóbal Cea navigates the frontiers between sculpture, animation, drawing, and videoart. In Followers of the Flood (2018), the artist recounts an actual and metaphorical global flood of information through various new technologies. Through several characters—among them, a young boy, various YouTubers, and the artist himself—Cea comments on globalized culture and the ways in which it accommodates itself to a specific place and time: in this case, Chile in the early 1990s. In representing this expanded period of cultural and political transition, the Pope’s visit to Chile merges together with other events such as the arrival of Halley’s Comet, the triumph of fast food, the 1989 constitutional referendum, the ongoing dictatorship and mass consumerism—all of which defined Chile’s return to democracy.
Fundación Engel © 2020

Fundación Engel © 2020