(Santiago, 1943)
Lotty Rosenfeld employs engraving, video, and performance to create politically- and socially-oriented works. In 1979, she co-founded C.A.D.A. (Colectivo Acciones de Arte) together with poet Raúl Zurita, sociologist Fernando Balcells, writer and artist Diamela Eltit, and artist Juan Castillo. That same year, Rosenfeld also began her iconic series of actions “A Mile of Crosses on the Pavement.” Undertaking an action reminiscent of nursing and repair, Rosenfeld intervened streets, roads, and highways in Chile and other countries with adhesive tape, turning traffic lines into crosses and plus signs. By rehabilitating public space as a container of social relations, Rosenfeld’s ritual symbolizes many of those abolished by the military regime, from the right of assembly to mourning and civic involvement.
Fundación Engel © 2020
Fundación Engel © 2020